
What qualifies as release?

A new release should be announced when a significant number functions, bugfixes or other improvements to the software is made. Usually this indicates a minor release. Major releases are yet to be determined.

What should be done before a release?

Tested basic functions

  • Installation
  • User, book and material management (create, view, change, delete)
  • Logging (e.g. mail log)
  • E-Mails
  • Monitoring

Test upgrade on a copy of a production database


You have to prevent e-mails from beeing sent, otherwise users could recive duplicate e-mails!

  • Ensure correct conversion if neccessary
  • Views correct?


After testing everything you are good to go. Open the file config/settings.ini with a text editor you can adjust the version number:

"path_mail_log": "log/mail.log",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"version": "1.3"

Do a final commit on this change, and tag the commit as release with appropriate version number.

git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Releasing version v1.0.0"
git push origin v1.0.0

Make sure the tag is visible on GitHub and celebrate 🥳