

When opening the file config/settings.ini with a text editor you can adjust the following:

  • timezone = 'Europe/Berlin'
    Timezone as supported by php see the PHP documentation e.g. ‘Europe/Berlin`
  • enable_status = 1
    enable/disable status bar that indicates if the library is open
  • enable_presence_API = 1
    enable/disable presence API (used for tracking working hours)
  • max_loan_time = 0
    Maximum time of loan: Set to 0 for infinite
  • mail_reminder_interval = 90
    Interval of the e-mail reminder: Days after the user is reminded of a loan which is not returned
  • default_langage = german
    Default language. Pick between german and english
  • log_mail = 0
    If the e-mails that are sent should be logged
  • path_to_mail_log = "log/mail.log
    The path to the logfile for sent mails
  • opening_days[] = monday
    For every day of the week where the library is open, add a line


To customize the images just replace the images in images/.

E.g. if you want to replace the header image replace the file images/logo_library.png.