API Documentation

ILMOs API serves two different purposes. The first is to make data available to the public. The seconde is to track working hours and opening status.

Make Data Publicly Available

Example Use-Case:

You have a department/club/etc.. homepage that is run by a Content Management System like Wordpress and want to show which books are in the library available. ILMO is hosted on a different Website. One line of plain html code is enough to do what you want!

Simply include <iframe>

Show all books

Show all material

Track Working Hours and Opening Status

This part of the API offers the possibility to track working hours via a suitable IoT Device (e.g. a Raspberry Pi with NFC Reader.


This part of the API has to be activated in the settings!

Example Use Case

You have a library in your that is run by two students that need to track the hours they worked. Writing this down is way too easy and you want a live update when they are present so ILMO shows that someone is there. ILMO offers the possibility to checkin someone via an API. You therefore adapt the provided example script, so the students can use their student ID and a NFC reader that is connected to a Raspberry Pi to identify and checkin themselves.